Exploring the Delicious Varieties of Plums Grown in Dripping Springs, Texas

Texas is a state that is home to a wide array of wild plums, with the Chickasaw Plum (P. angustifolia) being the most common. This small tree is known to form thickets on prairies and savannahs from East Texas to the rolling plains, and its pink plums can be eaten directly from the tree. The Mexicana tree is larger, growing up to 35 feet, and is usually found scattered among other trees in riverine forests.

Its purple fruit is not as tasty on its own, but makes for excellent preserves. Producers of local plums in Texas rely on ideal weather conditions for spring and early summer, and not on late frosts. Old and neutral varieties tend to produce lower yields than spring plants, and are more susceptible to the effects of the Texas heat. It's important to note that not every area or state has plum orchards open to the public. For more information on the Texas wine industry, visit the Texas Viticulture and Enology site A&M.If you're looking for a delicious treat that's grown right here in Texas, then you should definitely consider trying some of the plums grown in Dripping Springs. The Chickasaw Plum is a small tree that produces pink plums that can be eaten directly from the tree.

The Mexicana tree produces purple fruit that makes for excellent preserves. Both varieties are grown in ideal weather conditions for spring and early summer, and are not affected by late frosts. If you're interested in learning more about the Texas wine industry, then you should visit the Texas Viticulture and Enology site A&M. Here you'll find information about local plum orchards, as well as other types of fruit grown in Texas. You can also find out more about how to grow your own plums in your backyard. So if you're looking for a delicious treat that's grown right here in Texas, then you should definitely consider trying some of the plums grown in Dripping Springs.

With their sweet taste and unique flavor, these plums are sure to be a hit with everyone!.

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